Although the taxation of tourist rentals may seem complicated, don’t let it scare you Read this article and you will feel better. And if you have any questions, please contact our team of experts.
There are many possible cases in the taxation of tourist rentals. But we will explain here the most common cases:
The owner is the one who carries out the activity
The tourist license will be in your name. Either directly or by using an intermediary company for management.
Example: the owner José has a tourist rental license for a property and hires Protocasa to take care of the rental management:
It does not provide hotel services. The tax system establishes that you must register with the tax authorities in the 036, it is taxed as income from real estate capital.
If it provides hotel services. Taxation establishes that you must register with the tax authorities in 036, you are taxed as an economic activity and you must file and collect VAT, and submit it quarterly.
The owner rents the home to a third party who carries out the activity
The tourist license will be in the name of a third party.
Example Juan rents a house to Protocasa for a fixed monthly price and Protocasa is the one who obtains the license and manages the house:
It is taxed as income from real estate capital , but since it is subleased, it is no longer taxed as rental of housing but as rental of premises, and VAT must be collected and presented quarterly.
This is the taxation of tourist rentals in the two most common cases. For a more in-depth study of your specific case, please contact us.