This Cookie Policy regulates the use of data storage and retrieval devices through the Internet portal accessible through the url (hereinafter, the “Portal”) that Protocasa Inmo S.L. (hereinafter, “Protocasa“) makes available to Internet users. This Policy is an integral part of the
Legal Notice
accessible at any time from the Portal.
In the initial access to the Portal the User is informed, through the banner published in the same, of the use of cookies and similar technologies, such as pixel tags web beacons (hereinafter referred to as cookies), indicating the main purposes and the concurrence of third parties responsible. Likewise, the User is informed that if he/she continues browsing, it will be understood that he/she consents to the use of cookies, unless otherwise configured in the User’s browser. In any case, the User will be able to modify at any time the configuration of his browser according to his preferences.
Additionally Protocasa makes available to the User the Cookies Policy with the purpose of expanding and detailing the information related to the (i) what is a cookie, (ii) types of cookies used in the Portal and (iii) how to manage them, according to the characteristics of your browser and the device used to browse the Portal.
This Cookie Policy will be permanently accessible through a link located on the Portal.
For more information about the regulation of the Portal the User has at his disposal the following links:
- What are cookies?
A cookie is a small file with information related to multiple variables, such as; the number of times the page has been visited by the user, identify the registered user, guarantee the user’s session while browsing the page, allow operations to be carried out in a secure and stable way, etc. These files are stored in the User’s terminal, through the browser, and communicate with web pages to personalize navigation based on the information provided.
In addition to cookies, other technologies are also used, such as pixel tags, which make it possible to count page views or access cookies by means of electronic images, usually of miniscule size. The pixel tags used do not collect, monitor or share personal information of the user, having a mere technical analytical function of anonymous character. Another example of these technologies are web beacons, which are used to collect certain information such as IP addresses, time of viewing content, browser type or cookies previously installed on the server.
The cookies used on the Portal do not in themselves reveal personal information. Its analytical purpose uses identifiers, including IP, for the sole purpose of identifying the number of unique visitors to the website, their geographic origin or their web usage trend, but they do not personally identify the User.
- Types of cookies
Below we provide information on the type of cookies used on our website:
2.1. Depending on the entity that manages them
Depending on the entity managing the domain from which the cookies are sent and treat the data obtained, we can distinguish:
Own Cookies: These are those that are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from domains managed by Protocasa as editor of the web page.
Third-party cookies: These are those that are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain that is not managed by the editor, but by another entity.
2.2. Depending on the length of time they remain activated in the terminal equipment
Session Cookies: These are a type of cookies designed to collect and store data while the user accesses the Portal. As their name suggests, these cookies are stored on your terminal until the end of the user’s browsing session.
Persistent cookies: These are a type of cookie in which the data remains stored in the terminal and can be accessed and processed for a period defined by the party responsible for the cookie, and can range from a few minutes to several years.
2.3. According to purpose
Technical cookies: They are those that allow the user to navigate through the Portal and the use of the different options or services that are available such as, for example, control traffic and data communication, identify the type of browser, identify the session, access restricted areas, use the services made available to the User, use security features while browsing, identify user preferences or share content through social networks. This type of cookie improves the user experience by optimizing performance based on the information collected.
Behavioral advertising cookies: are those that allow the management, in the most efficient way possible, of the advertising spaces included in the Portal. These cookies store information on user behavior obtained through the continuous observation of their browsing habits, which allows the development of a specific profile to display advertising based on the same. The Portal uses behavioral advertising cookies from Twitter, Inc. and Facebook, Inc. and persistent.
Analytical cookies: these are a type of cookies designed and used for tracking and analyzing user behavior. This type of cookie allows the owner of the site to measure activity on the website through aggregated or statistical information. In the Portal of Protocasa analytical cookies, own and third party, session and persistent, are used for this purpose. Specifically, cookies from Google Analytics, Iperceptions Inc, Gigya Inc, ShareThis, Inc, Shoreware SA, Oracle America, Inc, and Twitter, Inc. which have different expiry dates depending on the information they provide and their own pixel tags, with the same analytical purpose.
Preferences regarding the use of these types of cookies, advertising and analytics, can be set through the following links:
- Who uses cookies?
The information that is collected through cookies downloaded from the Portal of Protocasais used by the owner of the website, Protocasa and by Google Inc., Iperceptions Inc., Gigya Inc., ShareThis, Inc., YouTube, LLC, Shoreware SA, Oracle America, Inc., Twitter, Inc. and Facebook, Inc. as providers of analytics and advertising services.
- Cookie management
Taking into account the information provided through this Cookie Policy, below is information on how to manage the cookies used in the Portal and how to use them. Protocasa through the different options offered by the most common browsers (Explorer, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Android, Windows phone and Blackberry).
The configuration of the browser in order to avoid the installation of any cookie may affect the operation of some functionalities of the Portal, as well as the visualization of some contents.
In general, browsers offer the User the possibility of managing the cookies installed by a given website, obtaining information on their duration and the possibility of deactivating, restricting, blocking or deleting them.
The user must modify the configuration of the browser used on their terminal (computer, smartphone or tablet). In general, browsers offer the following configuration options in relation to the installation of cookies:
- That the browser rejects all cookies and therefore, that no cookie from any web page is installed on the user’s terminal.
- That the browser warns you before the installation of the cookie so that the user can decide whether or not to accept the installation of the same.
- That the browser only rejects third-party cookies from the websites you visit but not those used by the website through which the user browses.
- The option of browsing in private mode whereby cookies are installed on the terminal but are automatically deleted when you finish browsing the website.
Below are links to information on cookie management provided by the main browsers: